A few days to 1 week
Generate excitement about your meal plan with a giveaway. Segment your audience to know who is more interested in meal planning. Give interested people a discount to get your meal plan.
For this campaign you will give away of free access to your full access subscription to your meal plans, cookbooks, and ad-free recipes.
To enter the giveaway contest your audience needs to answer one question. “How are they currently meal planning?”. You will also need to get their name and email address so you can contact them if they are the winner.
They can answer that question in the following ways:
- By replying to email 1 with how they currently meal plan
- By filling out the popup on your website.
Answering this question serves a few purposes: Generate excitement for your meal plan, learn how your audience currently plans which sets them up to receive your better solution of meal planning, help segment your audience to help you know which people are more interested in meal planning, and grow your audience list.
At the conclusion of your giveaway you will announce a winner for their free year of meal plans. How you select the winner is up to you. To cheer up those that didn’t win the plans, you will offer an exclusive deep discount of 30-40% off your subscription. Typically this is sent to all who entered the competition, and those who opened your giveaway announcement email(s).
The length of time the giveaway lasts is usually a few days, and your discount link should work for 2-3 days. The limited duration will help you to build a sense of urgency to purchase and permit you to send additional emails reminding your audience that the sale is ending. These sale ending messages often generate more than 50% of the sales that occur during the campaign.
This campaign template includes:
- Onsite marketing asset examples including pop-ups and banners
- A sample email schedule with emails announcing the start of the giveaway, announcing the winner and introducing your deep discount to those that did not win, and a sale ending email.
- Sample social media posts to go along with your email campaign
- Stock images and stickers to help you build your own image assets to promote the campaign
The example emails, social media posts, and on-site marketing materials for this campaign were used for the site Super Healthy Kids.
This campaign is provided as an example only. You should adapt any of the emails, social posts, images, sales pages, etc. to be directed at your audience’s particular pain points.
Decide on product to promote
Although your subscription includes many meal plans, cookbooks, and ad-free recipes, it is best to focus your giveaway campaign on your best selling or most popular meal plan.
Highlighting how your meal plan solves the problems of how your audience is currently planning can increase your sales dramatically.
Update sales page
Your marketing should always direct your followers to either your Prepear Brand sales page, or a sales page that you have custom built on your own website.
You may want to update your sales page with information specific to this campaign.
Set discounts and get links
You can easily create a discount to go along with your campaign from within your Prepear Pro dashboard. Click the link below to get started.
Promote your giveaway and sale
The success of your promotional campaign will be directly tied to how frequently and effectively you market it to your audience. We suggest promoting it on your website, to your email list, and on your social media channels.
The links below include samples for each promotional channel to get you started.
During the giveaway campaign we suggest you pause other pop-ups that you use on your site and replace them with the following popup for your giveaway. This popup will help grow your email list and segment your audience with those interested in meal planning.
A good popup will attract your reader’s attention and focus on the solution to a problem they have right now. It will also include a discount and generate a sense of urgency to take action. Always include a very clear, direct call to action button on your popups.
An email campaign should consist of three part: 1) An announcement of your promotion, 2) Content rich emails that are interesting to your readers while also promoting your sale, and 3) A sale ending sequence that creates urgency to act before the deal is gone.
This content is an example from the food blog Super Healthy Kids, you should always adapt this content to be authentic to your brand and relevant to your audience. About 1/3 of Super Healthy Kids sales were generated from this email series.
Email 1 – Giveaway Contest
The purpose of this email is to get your audience excited about winning a year of meal plans and give info about your meal plan subscription. This giveaway can also help to increase engagement on your social platforms as well as engage your email list.
Email 2 – Giveaway Winner + Special Discount
The purpose of this email is to get your audience excited about winning a year of meal plans and give info about your meal plan subscription with a discount link. This giveaway can also help to increase engagement on your social platforms as well as engage your email list.
Generic Sale Images
Use these images and stickers to easily create your own unique graphics and videos promoting your sale.
Sale Stickers
Sale stickers can be used over the top of your posts or stories to create excitement for your sale.
Social Media
Social media posts should be rich in authentic and helpful content to generate the maximum amount of organic reach. Super Healthy Kids generates about 1/3 of its sales from talking about promotions on social media.
Instagram / Facebook Posts
Your social media posts don’t need to be professionally designed. They should include content and photos similar to other posts you create that receive high engagement. They should include a clear call to action in the content and should link directly to your sales page.
Instagram / Facebook Stories
Stories are an easy way to personally engage with your audience on video without a lot of production effort. We’ve created a library of sale and promotional stickers to make it easier to create these stories and included them in the image assets section below.