Create Your Subscription Products

Creating subscription products inside Prepear helps you diversify your revenue as a food blogger from the recipes you have already made, as well as start to bring in a recurring revenue source.

Why sell a subscription?

Here is some text explaining how the valuable asset that food bloggers is quality recipes. People will pay for them in the form of meal plans and cookbooks. Prepear gives you the unique opportunity to make recurring revenue from your recipes, and offer a service to your readers they already want.

How to create meal plans

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at justo et tortor egestas cursus. Curabitur elementum nulla turpis, nec euismod eros ullamcorper et. Vestibulum viverra nisi ut mauris porttitor dignissim vel sed sapien. Sed sit amet convallis tellus. Ut est nibh, posuere sed euismod eu, dignissim et mi. Class a

  • Single purchase meal plan (limited weeks) vs subscription meal plan (ongoing plan)
  • minimum recipe quantitys before publishing
  • Adding Notes to your Plan (lightning bolt)
  • How far out do you need to publish (2 weeks ahead for ongoing plan).
  • Explanation about how your meal plan works with the shopping list / pantry items. shopping list is created automatically, add to pantry.

How to create cookbooks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at justo et tortor egestas cursus. Curabitur elementum nulla turpis, nec euismod eros ullamcorper et. Vestibulum viverra nisi ut mauris porttitor dignissim vel sed sapien. Sed sit amet convallis tellus. Ut est nibh, posuere sed euismod eu, dignissim et mi. Class a

  • What are main differences between cookbooks and meal plans.
  • how to price them.
  • creating sections inside cookbooks